In the Round – Renewal
A new experimental publishing platform offering free online and subscription-based printed material exploring a specific theme every six months.
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Renewal, the first theme to be taken up for In the Round, was chosen in response to our contemporary position and the dramatic, historically unparalleled, interruption to normality we have experienced in society. Delivered in three Acts, featuring:
– Act One. Lucy Mercer with Jamie Shovlin
– Act Two. Sam Buchan-Watts with Tom Rees
– Act Three. Daisy Lafarge with Brigid Elva
16pp each, 210 x 125 mm, thread-sewn, loose dust-jacket, English
ISBN 978-1-8381990-0-5
A new experimental publishing platform offering free online and subscription-based printed material exploring a specific theme every six months.
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Renewal, the first theme to be taken up for In the Round, was chosen in response to our contemporary position and the dramatic, historically unparalleled, interruption to normality we have experienced in society. Delivered in three Acts, featuring:
– Act One. Lucy Mercer with Jamie Shovlin
– Act Two. Sam Buchan-Watts with Tom Rees
– Act Three. Daisy Lafarge with Brigid Elva
16pp each, 210 x 125 mm, thread-sewn, loose dust-jacket, English
ISBN 978-1-8381990-0-5