Radical Ventriloquism: Acts of Speaking for & Speaking ThroughGuest Curator: Lee Campbell
02.04.20 | 18.30–21.00
Performance Acts was the third event forming part of Radical Ventriloquism: Acts of Speaking for and Speaking Through. The event was an evening of intimate performances by Claire Makhlouf Carter, Adrian Lee, Alexander Costello, Lee Campbell, Hällsten and O'Neill and Victoria Ahrens.
Victoria Ahrens (performance)
Topophilia: an (un)choreographed walk in the landscape. Photo etching plates and fragmented images of a personal ethnography create prosopopeic objects that shape our relationship to 'place' in this physical sound piece about deep time.
Hällsten and O'Neill (performance)
In Thing We Cannot Say visitors become the actors in a sound work that articulates the unspoken thoughts that are part of any relationship; the things one cannot say to your lover, your child, your mother, your father, your manager, your colleague, your friend, a stranger in the street.
Adrian Lee (performance)
Out of the Mouth of Babes combines popular children’s books with chants from politics and sport to produce absurd, unkind or tragic combinations. Manufactured phases are fed to a rapt audience who parrot them back - the puppets of canny manipulators, fed words they repeat and the ideas they believe.
Topophilia (2020) : an (un)choreographed walk in the landscape. Photo etching plates and fragmented photographic images of a personal ethnography create prosopopaeic objects that shape our relationship to 'place' in this physical sound piece about deep time.
Victoria Ahrens (performance)
Topophilia: an (un)choreographed walk in the landscape. Photo etching plates and fragmented images of a personal ethnography create prosopopeic objects that shape our relationship to 'place' in this physical sound piece about deep time.Hällsten and O'Neill (performance)
In Thing We Cannot Say visitors become the actors in a sound work that articulates the unspoken thoughts that are part of any relationship; the things one cannot say to your lover, your child, your mother, your father, your manager, your colleague, your friend, a stranger in the street. Adrian Lee (performance)
Out of the Mouth of Babes combines popular children’s books with chants from politics and sport to produce absurd, unkind or tragic combinations. Manufactured phases are fed to a rapt audience who parrot them back - the puppets of canny manipulators, fed words they repeat and the ideas they believe.THIS EVENT WAS CANCELED DUE TO THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC – ALL CONTRIBUTORS RECEIVED THEIR FEES

Victoria Ahrens
Topophilia (2020) : an (un)choreographed walk in the landscape. Photo etching plates and fragmented photographic images of a personal ethnography create prosopopaeic objects that shape our relationship to 'place' in this physical sound piece about deep time.
Victoria Ahrens
Topophilia: I Feel for You (2020)
Photographic print, surgical gloves, unrolled
50 sec looped
Victoria Ahrens
Topophilia: I Feel for You (2020)
Split screen video piece
Photographic prints, rolled, unrolled
Sound piece
1 min looped