In the Round – Adaptation
A new experimental publishing platform offering free online and subscription-based printed material exploring a specific theme every six months.
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Published January – April 2022
Following on from Renewal, which touched on the possibilities of a kind of generative rebooting of society post-pandemic and the daunting yet thrilling act of starting anew, Adaptation seeks to refocus attention on issues around climate change and the unfolding ecological catastrophe we are faced with. After centuries of abuse of the planet and the belief in an uncompromising dominion over nature in the name of industrial ‘progress’, it is us who must now learn to adapt and live with nature in order not to render the fragile niche in which our species exists untenable.
Delivered in three Acts, featuring:
– Act One. Helen Charman and Hannah Buckman
– Act Two. Daisy Hildyard and Laure Prouvost
– Act Three. Edward Doegar & Shakeeb Abu Hamdan
Each Act 16pp (48pp total), 210 x 125 mm, thread-sewn, loose dust-jacket, English
ISBN 978-1-8381990-0-5
A new experimental publishing platform offering free online and subscription-based printed material exploring a specific theme every six months.
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Published January – April 2022
Following on from Renewal, which touched on the possibilities of a kind of generative rebooting of society post-pandemic and the daunting yet thrilling act of starting anew, Adaptation seeks to refocus attention on issues around climate change and the unfolding ecological catastrophe we are faced with. After centuries of abuse of the planet and the belief in an uncompromising dominion over nature in the name of industrial ‘progress’, it is us who must now learn to adapt and live with nature in order not to render the fragile niche in which our species exists untenable.
Delivered in three Acts, featuring:
– Act One. Helen Charman and Hannah Buckman
– Act Two. Daisy Hildyard and Laure Prouvost
– Act Three. Edward Doegar & Shakeeb Abu Hamdan
Each Act 16pp (48pp total), 210 x 125 mm, thread-sewn, loose dust-jacket, English
ISBN 978-1-8381990-0-5